It's almost that time of the year again! Last year I only heard about Me Made May challenge in the first few days of May and missed the official sign-up. I had a guerilla-me-made-May instead trying to wear at least one me-made garment each day of the month even though I wasn't officially participating in the challenge. It was actually a lot harder than it seems like: usually I automatically have something self-made on me - a hat, a sweater, pair of woolen socks - but now I really had to think and plan what I was wearing instead of just spontaneously grabbing something on my way out. To add to the challenge May last year was exceptionally warm here in Finland so wearing something woolen wasn't the first thing I had in my mind every day. Not that I was complaining: I would always choose sunny days over sweater-weather.
This year I made sure I signed up for the Me Made May challenge in time. I will also post my pledge here for all of you to see:
I, Sari from, sign up as
a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to
wear at least one me-made garment each day
for the duration of May 2015
I've also added a Me-Made-May '15 button to the side bar so you can easily check out the official home page for the challenge just by clicking it.
This time around I will have the extra challenge of fitting my baby-belly in, well, just about anything, but at least the hats should still fit me just fine - although it sometimes feels like my brain has also doubled in size trying to remember all the baby-stuff...
Another challenge for me is taking outfit-photos and selfies every day. I'm still not comfortable in front of the camera and posing doesn't come for me naturally. But I guess having Vogue-standard outfit photos is not the main point of this challenge ;)
I'm also taking this as an advantage to continue my wardrobe basics project. I think having to wear something self-made everyday gives me a better grasp of what I have in my closet and what I'm missing. The search for the perfect pattern for an everyday black cardigan is still on, so if you have any suggestions or favorite patterns that could work I would be glad to hear! The pattern should be something simple, modern, quite lightweight, basically something that goes with everything but isn't boring either. I know that's a lot to ask for but I'm convinced such a pattern does exist.
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