Theo needed a woolen jumpsuit to wear under his overalls while palying outside now that the weather is getting colder. I tried to look for one for him (either new or secondhand) but the ones I liked were way too expensive and the ones that were affordable were ugly. So what does a crazy knitter mum do? Right - I decided to knit him one. Since this was something he needed ASAP I dropped (almost) everything I had on my needles and for once concentrated on (almost) only one project until it was ready for use. I used the Wild Blueberry Suit pattern that is freely available on the Drops Design website. It is knitted flat until for the length of the buttonband, then joined in a round for the sleeves and legs. However, if I would knit this again, I would knit the whole thing in a round with a steek, and add the buttonbands later. First of all, it's so much more convinient to knit fair-isle in a round instead of back and forth, and secondly, it would have reduced the amou...