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Showing posts from October, 2016

On My Needles.

First of all, thank you all for your kind words regarding my last post. The past year has been really hard for us like I wrote, but things are starting to look brighter. I personally believe that tabus don't help anyone so I have strived to be honest and tell people around me how things are with us. Our life is far from perfect and I don't see the point of pretending like it is. You don't get any help or support if you don't ask for it, and saying everything is fine with a fake smile serves no one any good. So again, thank you for being so understanding. It's been ages since I last showed anything I've knitted, so maybe it's time to give you a glimpse of everything I have on my needles at the moment. You know me, never a monogamous knitter, so there's always a pile of WIPs waiting for me. I've been a bit restless lately, so I've been casting on for way too many things that I'm trying to juggle. At this moment I'm knitting two car...

I'm Back.

  I'm back. I've been away for a long time, I know, but I'll try to be more active here from now on. The past year has been hard, harder than I ever thought it would be and harder than I care to admit. Being a mother should be the most natural thing in the world, but for me it didn't come naturally. I had a really hard time adjusting to the new role and I'm still not quite sure if I have really found my place. For an introvert to never be really alone is extremely exhausting.   For us this year has been extra hard because of Theo's allergies. The summer was horrible to be honest. My whole life revolved around Theo's skin and what he ate, trying to prevent him from scratching himself and putting everything he found in his mouth, to holding his hands while changing his diaper or dressing him, cutting his nails as short as possible, and writing down every single piece of food he ate. I had to stop breast feeding him at the age of 8 months, because it w...