I've been writing this blog for over two years now, but I realised I have never really properly introduced myself over here. When I first started out I had no expectations (I was actually convinced that no one would want to read this and I considered it more like my personal diary) but I have been so lucky to have you all as my readers. I've never actively really advertised this blog of mine, I've more just let it live its own life, and I think most of you have found your way here through Ravelry. After I made my Instagram account public, I've been able to interact with you guys in a whole new way, and I'm loving it. The things I publish on my IG account are in a way more personal than this blog, especially now that I haven't had as much time for it as I would have wanted and I've mostly only written about my knitting WIPs, but I wanted to change that. Not so that I'd made my IG account less personal, but by telling more about me on this blog. ...