The past month has been really hard. A family member was (is) hospitalised, and it looked pretty bad at one point, but now things are finally starting to look brighter (and not only because it's spring out there!) There's still a long recovery time ahead of us and anything can still happen but we are grateful for the way things are now and hoping for the best. I feel like I haven't gotten anything done these past weeks, we've just been driving back and forth to our hometown every chance we get and the rest of the time has been consumed by laundry, grocery shopping and other mundane chores. Another thing that has been keeping me busy lately is that baby-T has learned how to stand up independently. So he's going around the apartment and trying to find everything and anything he can use to drag himself up. He hasn't quite mastered the coming-back-down part so there has been a lot of head banging, crying and even a few bruises, but I think he mostly cries b...