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Showing posts from March, 2016


The past month has been really hard. A family member was (is) hospitalised, and it looked pretty bad at one point, but now things are finally starting to look brighter (and not only because it's spring out there!) There's still a long recovery time ahead of us and anything can still happen but we are grateful for the way things are now and hoping for the best. I feel like I haven't gotten anything done these past weeks, we've just been driving back and forth to our hometown every chance we get and the rest of the time has been consumed by laundry, grocery shopping and other mundane chores. Another thing that has been keeping me busy lately is that baby-T has learned how to stand up independently. So he's going around the apartment and trying to find everything and anything he can use to drag himself up. He hasn't quite mastered the coming-back-down part so there has been a lot of head banging, crying and even a few bruises, but I think he mostly cries b...

Test Knitting - Grown-Up Sweater For Theo.

Here's the other sweater I have knitted for Theo. I took part in a test-knit for Gabrielle Danskknit on Ravelry for a children's sweater. The pattern is called "Grown-up" and should be released any day now.  This was a really fun knit and a nice opportunity to play with color. I chose quite sombre combination of grey and pale yellow. I still prefer to dress Theo in gender-neutral colors, because he wears the clothes for such a short period and maybe if we one day get another baby it will be a girl instead, so I don't want overly boyish clothes. Or if we don't, unisex clothes are easier to gift away or sell.  I used Drops Merino Extrafine for this project. It's a really nice yarn to work with, smooth and stretchy so I think it's perfect for baby clothes. The sweater knitted up really fast (might be down to the small size - by the way I knitted the one-year old size) and the stripes kept it interesting the whole time. I think the sweater...


When I was still pregnant with Theo  I knitted quite a lot of stuff for him - hats, socks, sweaters, a baby blanket and even a few toys. Some might call it nesting, I myself prefer exploring a whole new world of stuff to knit. And hey, who could resists all those cute and tiny little clothes? Now that he has grown quite a lot since he was born (he's just about doubled his weight and gained some 15 cm of height during these almost 7 months) almost everything I have made for him is starting to become too small for him. So I'm picking up my needles again and making him new things, just a bit bigger ones this time (even though " bigger " still means tiny).  In the past few days I've finished two new sweaters for Theo. I knitted both in 1 year old sizes, so they will fit him a bit longer. I'm not sure yet if I can share the details of the other sweater, because it is a test knit project and the final pattern has not yet been released, but I sent a quest...