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Showing posts from June, 2016

Snoqualmie Cardigan.

You know how I love knitting cables. And cardigans. And Brooklyn Tweed patterns. And everything by Michele Wang. So I don't think it comes as a surprise to any of you that when the Snoqualmie pattern was released last January it was love at first sight for me. I just knew I had to knit it. I must say it has been one of my favourite things to knit so far. I love the cables, I love the size and the fit, I love the collar, and I love that despite its HUGE size it was actually pretty quick and effortless to knit. I have nothing but positive things to say about it. I want to live in it and never take it off.  I used Shishang Wool for this one. It was a souvenir yarn brought to me by my mum from China. It wasn't quite heavy enough by itself so I knitted it together with off-white Drops Baby Merino. The two yarns give the cardigan a nice marled texture. PS. Thank you for all your condolences both here and via Ravelry concerning the passing away of our beloved cat O...


I took an unintentional break from blogging, it was not planned, it just happened. I just haven't had the time for computers. We've been busy enjoying the summer weather (even though it has been raining some days over here) and also my husband has had to work extra which has meant more mommy duty from and even less free time. Being a mom has been a lot harder than I imagined a year ago. I never thought it would be this intense and time consuming. A friend of mine said she hasn't had time to even touch the knitting needles ever since she went back to work some 4 months ago (her baby is 5 months older than my Theo). I really hope that won't happen to me. Nothing much has happened around here, and at the same time a lot has happened. You know how it is. Let me sum up the past month for you: We were on a holiday in Turkey. I'll write more about it in an own post. I finished my Snoqualmie cardigan. This also deserves it's own post. I've been writin...