You know how I love knitting cables. And cardigans. And Brooklyn Tweed patterns. And everything by Michele Wang. So I don't think it comes as a surprise to any of you that when the Snoqualmie pattern was released last January it was love at first sight for me. I just knew I had to knit it. I must say it has been one of my favourite things to knit so far. I love the cables, I love the size and the fit, I love the collar, and I love that despite its HUGE size it was actually pretty quick and effortless to knit. I have nothing but positive things to say about it. I want to live in it and never take it off. I used Shishang Wool for this one. It was a souvenir yarn brought to me by my mum from China. It wasn't quite heavy enough by itself so I knitted it together with off-white Drops Baby Merino. The two yarns give the cardigan a nice marled texture. PS. Thank you for all your condolences both here and via Ravelry concerning the passing away of our beloved cat O...