Whoa, way to lose your interest in knitting something after only 4 rows! I'm knitting the Pippi scarf by Kirsten Kapur, and the instructions tell you to start the scarf by knitting the lace edging. There are instructions for 4 rows of lace and then the next piece of instruction they give you is "knit the last 4 rows for 143 more times". And I'm like what! Nice way to kill off my enthusiasm about a new knitting project! Like a trooper I continued knitting, because I really really like the scarf, but for some weird reason I have a constant need of counting my pattern repeats after every completed 4 rows, even though I know that last time I counted I had 14 repeats, so there's no way I could be done with all 144 already. The edging is not even monotonous TV-time knitting, because you really have to keep track of all the yo's and k2togs, so it remains to be seen how long I'm working on this edging, let alone the whole scarf... I just hope the re...