I don't crochet anything often, and I must admit I'm even not very good at it, although I would like to get better. I don't think I've ever purchased a single crochet hook and the ones I have are "heirlooms" and hand-me-downs. This is also the first blog post that I've written about crocheting and I had to create a "crochet" tag especially for it. However this baby mobile pattern was so cute that I decided to gather all my crocheting skills and give it a go. The pattern was just challenging enough for me, but if you are more familiar with the craft it's probably just a piece of cake and won't take multiple afternoons to pull together like it did for me. The mobile was a good way to use leftover bits and pieces of colourful yarns. I used mainly DK weight yarn, and for example ran out of orange yarn after finishing the sun so my rainbow has a purple stripe instead of an orange one. The pattern can be found on Ravelry and is freely...