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Life In A Baby Bubble.

Dropping by to tell you that I'm still alive even though my online existence has been reduced to a minimum lately and also wanted to thank you all for the well-wishes and congratulations, it all means a lot to me.

We had a bit of a setback with the baby's health and had to spend a few days extra at children's hospital. Nothing life-threatening - the baby just needed some antibiotics and because he's still so very small and young they wanted to keep him at the hospital under supervision. We got to go home after a couple of nights and had the nurses dropping by at our house every morning and evening to give the baby his medicine instead. Luckily he's doing fine now, we are of the meds and finally get to start "a normal life" and learn the new routines.

I still haven't got anything finished to show you but I've been working on the striped scarf I started as something I could take with me to the hospital. I had read somewhere that knitting or crocheting could be relaxing and take your mind off all the contractions and so on, so you should pack your knitting needles and yarn into your hospital bag. Well, let me just say that the person who recommended that either has never done any knitting or hasn't given birth, because not even once during the whole ordeal did I think how relaxing it would to knit! I never even touched the scarf-in-the-making. (I did try to read for a while though but with little success.) 

I'm a bit over halfway done with the scarf and I'm trying to get a few rows done every time the baby is taking a nap. I kind of miss my "me-time" - knitting has been like meditation for me - but I guess I won't be getting much of it for a while, so I'm trying to squeeze in as many 5 minute breaks as I can and make the most of them. Magnus saved his 4 weeks of summer holidays for August so he's also at home helping me out with everything. He has suddenly turned into a super-daddy who takes care of everything and knows everything, which is really funny because before the baby was born it was a bit hard to get him excited about anything baby related. I guess he couldn't quite picture the baby and being a dad before the baby actually existed outside my belly, but now he's changing nappies and correcting my breastfeeding technique based on everything he's seen on Youtube... I'm so blessed to have him and I love seeing him taking care of our little son.

I just can't believe how little he is (and at the same time how he ever fit into my belly!) Everything I've knitted for him seems to be way too big as you might notice from the photo above. That's the Sleeping Cedars onesie/sleeping bag I made for him - he looks like he's drowning in it. It has been really warm here for the past few weeks and he hasn't really needed anything woollen yet, so it's actually a good thing that all the knitted stuff I've made is too big for him and he'll still fit into them when the weather gets colder. 


  1. I missed your posts! So happy everything is ok with you and your precious boy! And as usual your knitting is wonderful!

    1. Thank you for your comment, it made me smile! ^^

  2. aww, look how adorable he is!! It's always amazing how truly tiny newborns are, but he will be growing out of that sleepsack in no time! And while health things are scary, I'm glad that he's getting the medicine he need and everythind is getting sorted out.

    1. He feels so small and so big at the same time. And while it's amazing that such a little thing can be a whole and complete human being I have a hard time believing that he actually fit into my belly just a few short weeks ago!


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